Topic 1: Coordinated Efforts to Combat Opium Trafficking in Afghanistan 

Topic 2: Enhancing International Cooperation to Combat Organized Crime in Latin America

Lola Agüera Samber 

Lola Agüera Samber is in 11th grade at the American School of Barcelona. She was born in London into a British and Spanish family and moved to Barcelona when she was 2. During her high school years, she participated in various conferences as a delegate, such as, BCNMUN, BFISMUN, THIMUN and BIMUN and chaired in BCNMUN. Since joining MUN it has helped her gain skills such as confidence, public speaking, and compromising with opposing opinions. It has also helped her gain knowledge on current events and professional etiquette which she hopes to carry out in the future. She hopes to make it a great time for everyone participating and wants to make sure all delegates have a good experience.

Cloe Caballero

Cloe Caballero is currently in her Junior year at Benjamin Franklin International School. Cloe was born in Barcelona but lived 4 years in the south of France, she came back to Barcelona to start her 8th grade year at BFIS and has been very invested with the school's community ever since. She has been involved with MUN for two years and has attended several past conferences, such as BIMUN, BCNMUN, and BFISMUN.  She believes MUN conferences are an excellent way on how to meet new people, practice your public speaking skills, and over all an experience that will enrich everyone.  Cloe is thrilled about chairing the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) committee at the forthcoming BFISMUN conference.